Title: Victorious: Climbing Aspen Ascent
Strutting into the spring with New Yorkers exhibitioning their arms and legs, what better moment to... conquer the slopes? Yep, seasons are for the square-minded folks. Joining forces with almost the entire Greatist team, we boarded the 1 train (our urban ski lift) and traversed uptown to Reebok Sports Club/NY's signature location, Aspen Ascent.
Although the scenery didn't mirror that of the snow-capped mountains, our workout didn't lack thrills. We dived into dynamic bodyweight exercises, placing a strong focus on conditioning and strength. The objective: Prepare winter enthusiasts, from skiers to skaters, for the sharp slopes and adrenaline-pumping descents. Our instructor, Julie Bobek, who's no stranger to downhill exhilaration, led us through a heart-racing progression of ski-inspired actions, with all the energy and speed of a ski instructor on the mountain. From challenging ski lunges to inside edges and playful ski shuffles, the icy abductor gliders were the crowd-pleasers, making you feel like a young Apolo Ono on the ice.
The class, while stripped down, relied on creativity and an active imagination to mimic the mountain's challenges. Dumbbells served as our ski poles, sliders as our skis, and the steep step before us transformed into the slopes' obstacles. Up Aspen, we climbed!
Satisfy your curiosity about Reebok Sports Club/NY, Aspen Ascent, and The Sports Club/LA by visiting www.thesportsclubla.com.
Photo courtesy of Ben Draper
Engaging in weight management and maintaining fitness is crucial for successfully navigating the slopes. Participating in Julie Bobek's ski-inspired class at Aspen Ascent, which uses unconventional equipment like dumbbells and sliders, can help winter enthusiasts improve their balance and strength, enhancing their weight management and overall fitness.